To our valued patients and friends,
Based on the recommendations from the CDC, WHO, American Dental Association, and Wisconsin Dental Association, we have made the difficult decision to close our office effective at the end of business hours today, Tuesday March 17, 2020. We will be available for emergency care.
This decision was not made lightly.
As healthcare professionals, we need to do our part to keep our patients, team, and community safe. This decision was made with keeping your health and wellness at the forefront.
There will be limited phone coverage during this time. Should you have an emergency and no one is here to answer, please listen to voicemail instructions on how to reach me. I am here if you need me and do not want people to be living with pain or infection.
We appreciate your support and understanding during this difficult time. We hope to be open for patients as soon as reasonably possible.
Take care of yourself and take care of each other!
Keep smiling (now more than ever),
Dr. Gina